A Nonprofit Organization



Homeschool Discount Laptops

Over 10,000 Families Served

Homeschool Discount Laptops

Over 10,000 Families Served

In consultation with Microsoft during 2013/14, nonprofit NFS played a role in the establishment of homeschool students as “Qualified Educational Users” under Microsoft product policies.This allowed NFS to provide academic products and discount laptops to homeschool families at the same price and with the same software as traditional public school facilities. NFS supplies thousands of laptops to public schools and now we do the same for homeschoolers. Since 2014, NFS has assisted over 10,000 families in obtaining and more importantly, maintaining in-classroom technologies within their home.

Free 4 Year Warranty - Total Homeschool Classroom Support

Hardware Repair
On-line Curriculum Support

Software Installation
DVD Curriculum Support

Virus Removal
Printer Support

Internet Connection
File Recovery

computers for homeschooling
Computers for Homeschooling

Includes Remote Computer Service

Public Schools have a Technology Department dedicated to keeping their classrooms up and running. NFS is your Technology Department. We will keep your Homeschool classroom up and running. Similar services from a for-profit provider will start at $200 per year.
Under this warranty NFS has completed 2,269 hardware repairs, conducted over 2,900 remote service sessions, and distributed over 1,760 replacement batteries and charging cords. This equates to a savings of $502,000.00 in computer service costs for our customers.

Notebooks for Students Reviews

Purchasing Directions

In the shopping cart, enter the parent’s last name within the “Student Name” field and the word Homeschool within the “Educational Institution” field. Click Here to see a picture of the shopping cart and instructions.

Quantity discount for a family or group of families

A single family or group of families can purchase together for a discount price. A minimum of 5 laptops are required. The laptops can be any combination of models.
Contact NFS at cs@notebooksforstudents.org. In the email please include the grade levels of the students. NFS will email suggested models and a price list.

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